Construction CareerCamps!

Get your hands on real-world construction tools of the trade!

Across the country the construction workforce is dwindling as skilled trade workers retire with no one to take their place. AGC’s Construction Career Camps are one way we promote careers in construction to the next generation. Over the years AGC’s Construction Career Camps (CCC) have taken different forms in different locations around the state, but the overall goal has remained the same. We are committed to sharing this great industry with students looking for a rewarding career pathway! The success of these camps is based heavily on the generosity and effort of volunteers. Members donate equipment, money and time to make our camps what they are.


September 22: Southeast Tech, Sioux Falls
September 27: Rapid City Area Schools, Central States Fairgrounds
September 28: , Rapid City: Surrounding Community High Schools, Central States Fairgrounds
October 6: RTEC, Yankton
October 12: TF Riggs High School, Pierre
October 20: LATC, Watertown

Sioux Falls Pizza, Pop and Powertools TBD

Rapid City Pizza, Pop and Powertools TBD

Participating in AGC’s 2022/2023 Construction Camps will give you the opportunity to advertise your business to tomorrow’s construction workforce. Every High School student who attends and participates in our camps will receive a cinch sack promoting construction and the sponsoring companies.

Start Your Career Now